Monday, September 20, 2010

Creature of Habits

I think it is time to question the good and bad habits in our lives. 

Are we making the most out of our day? I believe habits are a state of mind. Habits are the way you think and how you respond mentally. For example, lazy people are not tired people because don't have energy but rather mentally unwilling or careless. Lazy people don't care if their home is dirty or if the trash is overflowing, or dishes are overflowing because they are unwilling to care. This is a state of mind. Proverbs 10:4 - A lazy hand will make a man poor but diligent hands will bring wealth. 

Sometimes we don't realize how much bad habits can rob us or even hurt us. First thing first, we need to renew the way we think. It's time to start looking at things in our lives differently and not set conclusions. 

Changing our habits starts in a few practical ways:

1. Your attitude
Phil. 2:5 - The best attitude you can have is Jesus'. Jesus' attitude was the attitude of a servant. He did not come to be served but to serve. That attitude is mature and responsible. We need to check our attitudes. Stop complaining, stop whining like a child, stop being unwilling, stop being careless and start acting like Jesus. 

2. Start something with the mindset that you are going to finish it!
Have some dignity in yourself and strive to be the best at what you are pursuing in life. I don't mean be prideful (being arrogant, or having an "I am better than the whole world" attitude) but believe that God has started a work in you and He intends to finish what He started in you so we should do the same. Secondly, be committed. Stop being known as a flake or the person who bails, or the person who is undependable. (If you are dating a person who doesn't finish what they start, GET OUT OF THAT RELATIONSHIP!) Never married a procrastinator. You marriage will always live in a bucket full of wishes. 

3. Stop making your bad habits bigger than you
So many people exaggerate their problems and sometimes compete their problems with their neighbor. Stop making your problems bigger then God. There isn't anything that God can't help you with. God wants to help you, God wants to change you, God wants to bless you. Start focusing on what God is capable of doing and acknowledging for who He is and what He has done. Instead of empowering your problems, submit your problems to the cross.

4. Know your true Identity 
As believers of Jesus Christ and picking up our cross daily, it is a journey of discovering God's love in our lives. So many people think they know who they are and say things like "I am a football player," " I am a model," "I am a calm person," "I am a pizza boy." Seriously stop labeling yourself and start discovering yourself in Jesus. Ask what Jesus thinks of you everyday and you might not be able to keep up with all He has planned for you.  Just stop predicting your life and acting like your weakness is normal; because weakness are meant to be strengthen not settled. 

Bottom line, our habits start with our state of mind. If you want to see changes in your life you have to learn to admit that you are powerless, and start confessing up that you need the help of Jesus to change your habits. Start believing Jesus will be faithful to you daily. It is often said that habits are changed by "willpower" But the only thing about willpower it is limited and not infinite. However, Jesus, He is infinite. You need an infinite savior to change you.

Read Ephesians 4:17-24.


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