Friday, April 22, 2011

Almost forgot I was human

Hey everyone it's been a long time since I written anything.
I kind of felt I haven't been feeling like I am up for a blog, but I want to return to blog world once again.

This past Saturday I was a part of a leadership workshop with three other churches and that brought their leadership.
I would like to share some of my notes and thoughts:

"Building a Church that desires maturity"
Proverbs 29:18 - where there is no vision a people perish.
If your leadership has no vision in people you're leading other to a perishing road ahead.

Often times when a leader doesn't have a vision to carry people further, will often stick to the basics and shallow places.

Hebrews 6:1-3 > move on from the elementary teachings and start going to another level with your leadership.

The 3 basic principles to help other mature in their walk with God.
1. Teach others to think.
We have become mindless Christians and do things mindless inside of our ministries.
A minister was invited to be a guest speaker at a church, when they introduce him he was derailed because he saw a sign behind the people and it said "What in the world are you doing to these people?" hmmmm he was challenged and felt he needed to examine himself. He was preaching without even thinking about it. He just knew how to speak so well. We can get caught up with the things we do so well, we don't have to think anymore.
Your actions will cause three reactions
1. I hear and I forgot
2. I see and I remember
3. I understand and I do.

Which kind of reaction do you leave people with?

2. Teach others to learn.
Often times we build our leadership backwards
It first building a student body, then second, the leadership team.
We often start with first leadership then studentship. Problem with that is. It often limits discovery and changes because of lack of teachability in leadership.

Two different scenarios
1. Give a leader a project, the leader will definitely get it done.
2. Give a student a project, the student will hand you back two finish projects. One you gave and another he discovered during his original project. Why? Because he student that want to learn.
Unlike a leader, they will only maintain the project.
Isn't that a problem with the churches today? Were just maintaining and not making things happen? It's because it a studentship problem. We haven't taught anyone how to learn.
You don't first become a teacher then afterwards be a student.
It doesn't make sense why we do that in the church.
Today if you lived you learned, and as you learned, you just lived. Stop learning you stop living.

3. Teach others how to work.
At montana yellowstone national park there are signs everywhere that says.
"Do not feed the bears!"
So when you get into the heart of the park, you see people giving food to bears, then the ranger will come and confronts the people to stop.
One guy response to the ranger, "why is it such a big deal?" the ranger replies, " cause you're not the one who has to carry the dead bear bodies during winter time, cause you see, you disable their ability to feed themselves by depending their survival on you, you are crippling my bears and making my work harder, now leave"!
What about your leadership, you don't ever let anyone do anything cause "they are not ready". How does a solder for Christ ever be prepared if we don't treat them like one. Most of us might never admit it, but our leadership can cripple others because we want to do all the feeding. This is why you have to give people the permission to fail so they can learn and understand how to rise to success.

It just suck sometimes for us Pastors, cause are the ones who are carrying the dead bodies in the church and it making work a little bit more harder.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Interesting read. Its 230am and I need to get some biblical insight, I remembered some time ago on FB you were saying you were gonna do a blog. Hope there's more comin'!!!
    Searching for His will daily and nightly haha,
